Lively Residents AGM
There was a great turnout in adverse weather conditions last night to the residents association AGM which tool place on the parish rooms. There was lively and productive discussion on the major issues facing our lovely village. Tributes were paid to the outgoing committee, the Pride of Place group and even
Old and new faces were seen in the 35 strong attendance, representing the new blow-ins, old blow-ins (i.e. yours truly) and Julianstown natives. Amongst topics of discussion were thanking the reverend for the use of the hall, traffic calming, traffic, trucks, plans for the year, fund raising, election of a new committee etc. A set of minutes is in preparation.
At the inaugural meeting of the committee a program for the year will be decided and communicated. A residents association page will soon appear on Julianstown.Com to publicise our activity and facilitate communication.
Planning refused for Julianstown Shops
Planning ApplicationPlanning permission was refused last week for a retail and residential development in Julianstown. The proposed development by the proprieters of the Julianstown Inn was located in the car park of the pub and consisted of 4 shops and 2 appartments.
Planning was refused on grounds that there was not sufficient population to support 4 retail units and the public safety issues relating to access from the busy R132. However as one local observed, it is still OK for our kids to be dropped off and picked from the school on the same busy road.
There is no indication as of yet on whether this decision will be appealed to An Bord Pleanala
New Broadband for Julianstown
If anyone is interested in signing up to a new broadband service in Julianstown, please contact Fastnet on (01) 2303746
Residents' Assoc AGM Sep 29th
Julianstown and District Residents' Association will meet on September
29th next in the parish rooms beside the Church of Ireland on the
Laytown Road.
The meeting starts at 8.00PM.
All welcome to discuss local issues and to elect a committee for the
coming year
Four men arrested after raid in Bettystown
Looking East from Julianstown this morning at about 10:15 a large cloud of smoke could be seen. Minutes later the Garda Helicopter arrived and we saw it hover overhead for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile there were squad cars screaming around the area. Turns out there was a raid on the post office in Bettystown, which was foiled by the boys in blue. The thieves burnt out their car creating a cloud of black smoke.
Excellent Local History Book

I would strongly recommend an excellent book on local history entitled "
From the Nanny to the Boyne, A local History". I found it in Easons Drogheda in the local section. It was compiled by Margaret Downey and seems to be published around 2000 with support from MECOS and Fas.
The book quotes liberally from the 1985 work "
A History of Julianstown" and captures the way of life in the area from prehistoric times.
Plan For Meath PD Website
Plan For Meath PD Website
PD generaral election candidate and Julianstown native Sirena Campbell has gone online with a new website targeted at planning in East Meath. The website is under construction and Julianstown.Com supports her calls for traffic Calming in Julianstown.
However we fear that it is too little too late as the East Meath development plan 2007-2013 will be put to bed in the first week in October
Letter in Drogheda Indo
Letter of the week in this week's (September 2nd) DI is yet again complaining about the appaling traffic in Julianstown. Julianstown.Com has to say that the Drogheda Independent has never ceased in giving voice to local discontent with the continued heavy traffic after the M1 opened.
Also noted that the report on the Laytown Races in the Irish Independent described the stnadstill traffic in Julianstown as the worst part of the experience. There were traffic police on duty after the races to make sure the same thing didn't happen after the races
The Drogheda Independent