Traffic Volume Continues to Rise but less HGVs
A mixture of good and bad news on the traffic front. Over all traffic volumes are still rising at almost 3% per year, but it appears that HGV volumes are falling. The latest NRA figures show slight increases in total volume compared to last year. But the good news is that HGV volumes are on average down to 1000/day. Overall traffic volumes are still in the 21,000-22,000 region. 1000 a day is still a lot, but at least the trend is down.Factors which may have influenced this, well there has been a slow down in new house completion in the area, so presumably the population has increased at a slower rate than in recent years. However this appears to be a temporary blip as local authorities are predicitng a doubling of the greater Drogheda area population.
The Drogheda port also lost a major contract from Norfolk and Geest which significantly contributed to HGV volume to the port. That and the chronic Drogheda traffic might explain the drop in truck volume.
This chart has more details. You can see the big drop after the M1 opened and steady rise since then

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