Monday, July 24, 2006

1300 more homes in Laytown = 2000 more cars in Julianstown

Plans were submitted this week to develop an "eco-residential village" near Laytown railway station. I'm darned if I know what that is or if an eco non-residential village would be better. Anyway that's a shed load of houses and the development is sure to rival Grangerath for size.

While the development is bound to be the shining light in eco-friendliness making us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, adding an extra 2000 vehicles to Julianstown chronic traffic is as far from eco as you can get. As we have tirelessly pointed out Julianstown now caters for 22,000 vehicles per day on weekdays and not much less than that on the weekend. The growth rate sits around 5%/year.

Dominic Hannigan has something to say here

Anyway for what it's worth you can view the plan in Duleek and make submissions before September


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